Timeline removal for Facebook

Well, this article is offered for those of you who do not like the look of facebook timeline.
How to Change Display to view the Old Facebook Timeline
Here's how ...
First, open timelineremove.com
Then click on the browser you are using: is mozilla, chrome, safari, or internet explorer.

Here I use Google Chrome. Once you click the browser that you choose there's a notification that ask you to install this extension.

Click continue. Then there will be a confirmation box

Confirm by clicking Add.

Wait a few moments. And try to refresh or restart your facebook page. There it go. The old facebook page you have is back. This change will also occur on the facebook fan page, if you have one.

Easy right?
Just a note, the old facebook is visible only on your computer.But on other visitor's  computer, they still see the timeline, unless they also install this extension.

So, do you want to get your old facebook page? you can try this. You can switch back to the timeline by removing this extension from your browser.

Alertpay.com menjadi Payza.com

Saat saya cek email tadi pagi, ada email dari alertpay.com yg menginformasikan bahwa alertpay.com sekarang berubah menjadi payza.com. Berikut sebagian email dari alertpay.com tersebut:

The AlertPay that you love is becoming Payza this spring – to give you exactly these things! Thanks to a recent merger with UK- based MH Pillars Ltd, a leader in prepaid card solutions, we were able to join forces to take AlertPay to the next level of online payment processing.
On May 14, 2012, we’re launching a redesigned website with more service offerings to bring you an even better online payment processing experience. All of your information will transition to Payza.com – so you don’t have to do a thing! Same account number, same personal and financial information, same login & password!
Personal Pro Account Members:
Apart from a new brand name, nothing changes! All of your information stays the same:
The same account (with your money in it)!
The same personal and financial information!
The same login and password!
BUT, you will get:
New service offerings;
Enhanced customer support; and
A completely redesigned and easier-to-use website!

Terjemahan sederhananya adalah menginformasikan perubahan nama dan situs alertpay menjadi pazya.com karena mereka sudah merger dengan MH Pillars Ltd  United sebuah perusahaan kartu prabayar yg berbasis di Kingdom untuk memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik.

Sebagai member alertpay, kita otomatis terdaftar di payza dan tidak perlu mendaftar ulang, semua data kita termasuk login id pasword dsb masih sama dan dapat digunakan untuk login ke payza.com Untuk fitut2 yg ada di payza.com sebenarnya masih sama dengan alertpay.com namun ada beberapa tambahan diantaranya penawaran untuk membuat alertpay prepaid card untuk memudahkan transaksi online, jika kita berminat bisa melakukan pre-registrasi di sana.

Saya sendiri belum terlalu banyak menggunakan alertpay/payza ini sebagai alat transaksi online karena saya masih sering menggunakan paypal, namun untuk alternatif pembayaran sepertinya tidak ada ruginya memiliki akun di alertpay/payza ini. Bagi anda yg ingin membuka akun di alertpay/payza.com anda bisa melakukannya di sini